
Placeholders allow you to define reusable content that can be used in other placeholders, page templates and in page content. There are two types of placeholders: those that replace previously defined ones, and those that append data to previously defined ones. The second type are used mainly by plugins to assemble your header and footer. BlüeBox will alert you during the build process whenever a placeholder is overwritten or appended.

  <Placeholder>       <Name> c:\folder\pics\        </Name> <Content> file://c:/folder/pics/         </Content> </Placeholder>
  <Placeholder>       <Name> file://c:\folder\imgs\ </Name> <Content> http://domain.com/imgs/        </Content> </Placeholder>
  <Placeholder>       <Name> %Menu%                 </Name> <Content> [HTML menu goes here]          </Content> </Placeholder>
  <PlaceholderAppend> <Name> %Menu%                 </Name> <Content> [HTML menu extensions go here] </Content> </PlaceholderAppend>
This tag indicates the start of placeholder.
This is the name of the placeholder.
This is the content to substitute for the placeholder.
This tag indicates the start of a placeholder.
This is the name of the placeholder. If the placeholder does not already exist, a new one will be created.
This is the content to append to a placeholder.
Technical Details

BlüeBox defines internal placeholders that can be used to access site and page properties.

Internal Site Placeholders

Site-wide placeholders are commonly used in the header and footer to access setup data. Most of them are associated with <Setup> properties. Placeholders will be cleared if the data is undefined or does not exist. The following is a complete list of internal site-wide placeholders.

The application name (BlüeBox).
The BlüeBox version number.
The BlüeBox build number. Build numbers are used during product development to track minor changes and can generally be ignored by users.
The website URL.
The output path.
When an RSS feed is enabled, BlüeBox will use a page template ( rssFeedLinkT ) to return a link to your RSS feed.
The home page.
The language code.
The favicon URL.
The plugins URL.
The website title.
The website description.
The website logo URL.
The website banner image URL.
The website avatar image URL.
This is equivalent to the site logo, or the site title if the site logo is not defined.
Internal Page Placeholders

Generally, you would use Data References to access properties of the current page. Data references, however, are resolved at build time, and BlüeBox, for resource purposes, does not store your website's headers and footers in the same area of the database as your pages. Therefore every page must store the metadata needed by the headers and footers so that they can be resolved at page access time. The following is a complete list of page placeholders that are are stored in the database for this purpose.

The page's author.
The page's filename.
A comma delimited list of page keywords and hashtags.
The page's overrides property.
The URL of the page's image in medium format or smaller if not defined (m->s->l->t). If no page image is available, then the site banner->avatar->logo is used instead.
When a redirect URL is provided for the page, BlüeBox will use a page template ( pageRedirectT ) to return the redirect.
The page's title.
The URL of the page.