
This option is used to configure BlüeBox for use with web servers. It will require that your web server supports PHP, SQLite3 and PDO extensions. This is standard for Apache servers and generally enabled by default. Consult your hosting service for help if needed. BlüeBox includes several support files in the includes folder ( /includes ) to support using databases. When enabled, all the necessary files will be copied to the <OutputPath>. These files include the main router ( router.php ), which retrieves the requested web page from the database and sends it to the web browser. It also manages user authentication when enabled; the Apache Web Server access file ( .htaccess ), which redirects all incoming page requests to the main router; the database access file ( pdodriver.php ), which gives the router to access the database; and the includes file ( includes.php ), which is autogenerated by BlüeBox and tells the router where the database is located on the server.

  <EnableServerDatabase> true                      </EnableServerDatabase>
  <ServerDatabaseName>   database.sqlite           </ServerDatabaseName>  
  <ServerDatabasePath>   /home/site/dbs/           </ServerDatabasePath>  
  <LocalDatabasePath>    web                       </LocalDatabasePath>   
  <CopySupportFiles>     true                      </CopySupportFiles>    
  <SupportFilesPath>     includes                  </SupportFilesPath>   
  <VisitorLogPath>       /home/site/logs/site.log  </VisitorLogPath>   
  <SigninRequired>       true                      </SigninRequired>    
    <Username>           guest                     </Username>    
    <AccessCode>         guest                     </AccessCode>    
Disabling this option will generate individual HTML pages instead of a database, which can be useful for testing your website before deployment.
Expects a database filename only. The file extension is optional. Use the SQLite3 extension ( .sqlite ) if your database will be exposed to the internet. Tha Apache Web Server access file prohibits visitors from accessing files with that extension.
Enter the folder path on your web server where your database will be stored. When left blank, your router will look for the database in the root folder of your website. As a general rule, databases should not be stored in any folder exposed to the Internet.
Enter the absolute or relative folder path located on your laptop where you want your generated database to be saved. This is necessary for the application to find and use when building your website.
The support files rarely, if ever, change, so once they've been copied to your web server, it is not necessary to do so repeatedly.
This is the local folder path found on your laptop where your database support files are stored. When enabled, they will be copied from this folder to your output folder.
When set, all page accesses will be logged.
When enabled, all pages require user authentication to access. When not enabled, the setting for individual pages will be used to determine if user authentication is required.
This tag indicates the start of a new user
The user's username
The user's access code