
This option is used to define properties that apply to all pages.

  <SortOrder>                  PubDate          </SortOrder>             
  <ShortDates>                 false            </ShortDates>            
  <PrependCategoryToFilename>  false            </PrependCategoryToFilename>
  <AutoHyperlinkUrls>          true             </AutoHyperlinkUrls>     
  <EnableFeed>                 true             </EnableFeed>            
  <FeedsIncludeContent>        true             </FeedsIncludeContent>   
  <FeedSize>                   6                </FeedSize>              
  <IndexSize>                  6                </IndexSize>             
  <AbstractLength>             20               </AbstractLength>
  <MinTagSize>                 6                </MinTagSize>            
  <MaxRelatedPages>            4                </MaxRelatedPages>       
  <FeaturedImages>             M1, M2, M3, O4   </FeaturedImages>        
When including blog pages, index pages can be sorted by publication date ( PubDate ), modification date ( ModDate ) or by page id ( Id ). Sorting occurs in reverse order so that newer dates and larger ids appear first.
All recognized dates are converted into one of two formats. By default, dates are displayed in the form of January 12, 2001. Enabling this option will display dates in the form of Jan. 12, 2001.
You can define a single category for each page. Enabling this option will prepend the category to the filename.
By default, BlüeBox will create hyperlinks for any URL not contained within defined elements such as anchors, images, forms, etc. If BlüeBox becomes overzealous, it is possible that it may accidentally embed a hyperlink where it shouldn't. This option allows you to disable the auto-hyperlinking feature globally.
BlüeBox supports RSS feeds.
Disabling this property will exclude page content from the RSS feed for all pages. Page content for individual pages can also be excluded using the page property.
Set the maximum number of pages to include in the feed.
Set the maximum number of blog posts to include on blog index pages.
If an abstract is not provided, one will be generated automatically starting at the top of the page content. This allows you to set the maximum number of words to include. Abstracts will also be used in the RSS feed. All HTML and excess whitespace will be stripped from the abstract.
Set the minimum character length below which will not be considered a hashtag. BlüeBox treats words occurring outside of defined elements that begin with a number symbol or pound sign ( # ) as a hashtag. Dashes are allowed inside hashtags, but eill be converted to spaces when displayed. If BlüeBox becomes overzealous, it is possible that it may accidentally flag unintended text as a hashtag. If this occurs you may want to increase the size of permitted hastags. As a general rule, it is always best to use the HTML entity ( &num; ) to replace pound signs in your page content that should not be considered hashtags.
Set the maximum number of related pages to include at the end of each page. Setting the value to 0 disables related pages on all pages. Related pages on individual pages can also be excluded using the page property. A page is considered related if it is linked anywhere on the page using a URL reference. If there are more related pages than the value set here, a random selection will be shown.
A comma-delimited list of media image ids. If a page does not specifically define a <MediaId>, a featured image will be chosen at random from this list. This will ensure that every page has an associated image.