
This is the option you will use to create new pages.

    <Id>                      Page1                      </Id>                     
    <Filename>                moby-dick                  </Filename> 
    <Title>                   Moby Dick                  </Title>                  
    <TemplateId>              pageBlogpostT              </TemplateId>                  
    <MediaId>                 M1                         </MediaId>                
    <Author>                  Herman Melville            </Author>                 
    <PDate>                   January 4, 1850            </PDate>                  
    <PTime>                   12:00:00                   </PTime>                  
    <MDate>                   January 5, 1850            </MDate>                  
    <MTime>                   13:00:00                   </MTime>                  
    <Category>                Novels                     </Category>               
    <HashTags>                Whales                     </HashTags>               
    <Keywords>                Seafaring, Whale, Ishmael  </Keywords>               
    <Draft>                   false                      </Draft>           
    <SigninRequired>          true                       </SigninRequired>    
    <ExcludeFromFeed>         false                      </ExcludeFromFeed>       
    <ExcludeContentFromFeed>  false                      </ExcludeContentFromFeed>
    <ExcludeFromBlog>         false                      </ExcludeFromBlog>       
    <ExcludeFromRelatedPages> false                      </ExcludeFromRelatedPages>
    <HidePageBanner>          false                      </HidePageBanner>
    <HideRelatedPages>        false                      </HideRelatedPages>
    <HidePageFooter>          false                      </HidePageFooter>
    <Redirect>                                           <Redirect>
    <Abstract>                A seafaring adventure      </Abstract>               
    <Overrides>               <![CDATA[ <style> ... </style> ]]> </Overrides>  
    <Scripts>                 <![CDATA[ <script> ... </script> ]]> </Scripts>  
    <Content>                 <![CDATA[ Call me #Ishmael ... ]]> </Content>
      <Name>                  CoAuthor                   </Name>                 
      <Value>                 Bob Bobson                 </Value>                 
This tag indicates the start of a new page
The page id is saved as a text string, not a number even if an integer is provided. It must be unique among all other pages, images and user data ids and must be the first property defined. You can change your page id at any time without affecting operation. You will be alerted during the build process if the old page id is still being referenced by any existing URL References or Data References.
The filename must be SEO compatible (lowercase, alphnumeric, no spaces). If left empty, BlüeBox will create it automatically from the <Title> property, but then your URL will change if the page title changes. It is a good practice to set the value manually to ensure this never happens.
The page's title. It can be changed at anytime.
An individual page template id to be used for page formatting. You can define new templates for specific page formats, however BlüeBox comes with three of the most common formats predefined: pageBlogpostT, pageStaticT and pageBlankT.
An optional image id as defined by the <Media> option. If left blank, a random featured image will be used. It will serve as the page image used in page banners, page indexes, RSS feeds and in the Related Pages area located at the bottom of each page.
The page's author
Publication date (i.e. 1 Jan 2001, January 1, 2001, 1/31/2001, etc.). BlüeBox recognizes most unambiguous date formats, and will convert it to a standard format when displaying.
Publication time in hours:minutes:seconds(i.e. 12:00:00 is noon)
Modification date
Modification time
The page's category. Only one category can be defined. By default the category is listed above the page title on index pages.
You can specify hashtags as well as embed them in the page content. Dashes inside hashtags are displayed as spaces. Hashtags are linked to index pages listing only posts containing those hashtags.
A comma-delimited list of keywords. These are used to provide keywords for page metadata in the header.
When enabled, the page will be excluded from the website.
When enabled and when using the database option, user authentication will be required to access the page. The database router includes the sign-in form and manages file access.
When enabled, the page will be excluded from the RSS feed.
When enabled, only the page's title, image, author, date, and abstract will be included in the RSS feed, the page's content will be excluded. When pages require special code or scripts to display correctly, their content should be excluded from the feed. You can validate your feed content at anytime using the W3C Feed Validation Service by entering your website URL.
When enabled, the page will be excluded from all blog index pages. This allows for the creation of stand alone pages.
When enabled, the page will be excluded from all related pages areas.
When enabled, the page banner will not be displayed.
When enabled, the Related Pages area will not be displayed.
When enabled, the page footer will not be displayed.
If the page URL has changed or the page content has been deleted, you can redirect all requests to another page by adding the URL here. Deleted posts will result in "Page not found" errors, which may confuse (or piss off) Google and other search engines.
Enter text to serve as the abstract. If left blank, an abstract will be created automatically from the page content staring at the beginning. HTML will be stripped from the abstract.
This can be used to load page specific stylsheets.
This can be used to load page specific scripts.
The page's content. Go wild.
Additional Properties:

BlüeBox allows you to define any number of additional properties for pages. These properties can be accessed from pages and in page templates using Data References.

This tag indicates the start of a new user-defined property
The user-defined property name
The user-defined property value
Technical Details

BlüeBox defines an internal page placeholder to access the <Id> of the current page.

The current page's id.

Properties of the current page can also be accessed by pages and templates using Data References (data references are always bound at build time) All of the above listed properties can be accessed directly using the current page placeholder and the property name. BlüeBox defines a shortcut to make this easier, i.e. <page:property>Title</page:property>. Boolean values are retrieved as "true" or "false". User-defined properties can also be accessed by using the value of the <Name> property. In addition, several read-only properties are also available. The following is a complete list of accessible properties.

The page id.
The page filename.
The page's URL
The page title.
The page's template id.
The page's image id.
The page's author
The URL to the author's index page.
The publication date will be formatted as described above.
The publication time
The published date and time formatted for HTML5 time elements as YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-TZ:00 (i.e. 2021-02-27T12:25:00-08:00).
The published date and time formatted for RSS feeds according to the RFC-822 standard (i.e. Thu, 13 Oct 2016 07:00:00 +0000).
The modification date will be formatted as described above.
The modification time
The modified date and time formattted as YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-TZ:00 (i.e. 2021-02-27T12:25:00-08:00).
The page's category.
The URL to the category's index page.
Hashtags, as well as embedded hashtags, will be included as a comma-delimited list, prelinked to their associated index pages.
A comma-delimited list of keywords and hastags.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The state of the boolean flag.
The redirect URL.
The page's abstract.
The page's overrides.
The page's content.