
The <DataValidation> option is used to set data validation settings. The data validation page shows the results of the data consistency analysis, listing both impossible and improbable individual relationships and other related inconsistencies. The data validation page is extemely useful for discovering claims and relationships between individuals that are suspect. Gigatrees integrates the analysis into all timelines and event lists by providing an alert for all claims that have been flagged as needing attention.



  <MaxChildBaptismAge>                      5  </MaxChildBaptismAge>       
  <MinMarriageAge>                         14  </MinMarriageAge>           
  <MaxHusbandsAgeDifference>               30  </MaxHusbandsAgeDifference> 
  <MaxWifesAgeDifference>                   5  </MaxWifesAgeDifference>    
  <MinChildBearingAge>                     15  </MinChildBearingAge>       
  <MaxChildBearingAge>                     50  </MaxChildBearingAge>       
  <MaxPostBirthMarriageAge>                 0  </MaxPostBirthMarriageAge>
  <MinFlourishedAge>                       21  </MinFlourishedAge>         
  <MaxFlourishedAge>                       80  </MaxFlourishedAge>         
  <MaxLifeSpan>                           100  </MaxLifeSpan>             
  <DeadIfBornBefore>                     1920  </DeadIfBornBefore>       
  <DeadIfMarriedBefore>                  1940  </DeadIfMarriedBefore>   
  <ProhibitedDegreeOfKinship>               4  </ProhibitedDegreeOfKinship>         
  <CalculateKinshipUsingCanonLaw>       false  </CalculateKinshipUsingCanonLaw>   
  <UseEstimatedBirthdates>              false  </UseEstimatedBirthdates>            
  <ShowEmptyResults>                     true  </ShowEmptyResults>  
  <ShowUnestimatedBirthdates>           false  </ShowUnestimatedBirthdates>
  <ShowInconsistentDnaRelatives>        false  </ShowInconsistentDnaRelatives>      
  <ShowUnmappableLocations>             false  </ShowUnmappableLocations>           
  <ShowPersonsWithUnsupportedClaims>    false  </ShowPersonsWithUnsupportedClaims>  
  <ShowPersonsWithUndocumentedParents>  false  </ShowPersonsWithUndocumentedParents>
  <ShowPersonsWithNoParents>            false  </ShowPersonsWithNoParents>          
  <ShowPersonsMissingOneParent>         false  </ShowPersonsMissingOneParent>     
  <ShowMismatchedSurnames>              false  </ShowMismatchedSurnames>
  <ShowDuplicateNames>                  false  </ShowDuplicateNames>


[ 5 ]
This is the maximum age for which a child might be baptized or christended. This does not apply to adult christenings or LDS events.
[ 14 ]
This is the minimum age for which a person might be married. Users should not enter child betrothals as marriages.
[ 30 ]
This is the maximum number of years that we expect husbands to be over their wives.
[ 5 ]
This is the maximum number of years that we expect wives to be over their husbands.
[ 15 ]
This is the minimum age we might expect a woman to have a child.
[ 50 ]
This is the maximum age we might expect a woman to have a child.
[ 0 ]
This is the maximum age we might expect a couple to marry after having a child.
[ 21 ]
This is the minimum age we might expect a person to be flourishing, that is actively engaged in church, civil and court records.
[ 80 ]
This is the maximum age we might expect a person to be flourishing.
[ 100 ]
This is the maximum age we might expect a person to be at death.
[ 1920 ]
This is the year before which a person born will be considered no longer living.
[ 1940 ]
This is the year before which a person married will be considered no longer living.
Some genealogists, namely those concerned with European nobility, are deeply concerned about consanguinity as Christian law prohibited certain marriages between related persons without papal dispensation. Finding a marriage between individuals who were related within the bounds of kinship prohibited by law and without dispensation, would provide a strong indication that the placement of those individuals in a family tree is invalid.
[ false ]
This option, when enabled, uses Canon Law to determine the degree of kinship. Using this option is only useful to medieval scholars who are trying to determine if a marriage violated Canon consanguinity laws.
[ false ]
By default, estimated birthdates are not used when determining inconsistencies.
[ false ]
By default, tests that pass are empty and will not be shown.
[ false ]
The validation tests are not all inclusive. If a person's birthdate cannot be estimated, it is due to some other unvalidated inconsistency. Enabling this option acts as a catch all for these conditions. When enabled, a list of all persons whose birth years could not be estimated will be included alongwith an abbreviated list of event dates and date ranges. The following abbreviations are used: father's birth (fb), mother's birth (mb), max parent's marriage (pm), birth (b), min baptism (bp), spouse's birth (sb), marriage (m), child's birth (cb), min child's marriage (cm), min parent's death (pd), living event range (le), flourishing event range (fe), min death (d), max will (w), min burial (bu), min post death event (d+), grandchild's birth (gcb). It should be possible using this information to manually determine the inconsistency.
[ false ]
By default, inconsistent DNA relatives are indicated on the DNA Relative pages so do not need to be duplicated here, however, if those pages are disabled, it may be useful to include them on this page as well. See the <DNA> option for more information on using your DNA results with Gigatrees.
[ false ]
When using <Locations>, it may be useful to flag locations for which coordinates could not be determined. Highlighting these can provide an easy indication of which location descriptions need to be modified to use their modern equivalents.
[ false ]
As genealogists, we try to provide sources for every claim we make. Enabling this option will flag individuals that have unsupported claims so that these deficiencies can be addressed. Some undated claims are ignored such as gender, name, etc.
[ false ]
As genealogists, we want to provide sources for every parent-child relationship. Enabling this option will flag individuals that have undocumented parents. See <Parents> for more information and the challenges associated with documenting these claims.
[ false ]
As genealogists, we often find ourselves trying to extend our family trees. Enabling this option provides an easy method for locating those ancestors who are missing parents.
[ false ]
As genealogists, we often find ourselves trying to extend our family trees. Enabling this option provides an easy method for locating those ancestors who are missing a parent.
[ false ]
Enabling this option will list all persons whose surname does not match their father.
[ false ]
Enabling this option will list all persons having children with similar names.

Data Validation Short Codes

When the <EstimateBirthdates> option is enabled, Gigatrees uses the events associated with a person's nearest relatives to help determine a range of probable birthdates. When a person's birthdate cannot be estimated it is because there is an inconsistency between these claims, or between one or more of these claims and the configuration. A list of persons whose birthdates could not be estimated will automatically be included on the Data Validation page. For each person the following short codes will also be shown to help users track down these inconsistencies. Since dates can be defined over ranges and since multiple dates can be defined for each event, unless otherwise noted, dates are shown as ranges including the earliest and latest date. Also, since multiple spouses, parents and children can be defined, dates encompass the full range of all associated individuals, so for instance, the child's birth ( cb ) will encompass the full range of possible birth dates for all children of the individual.

  • gfb = grandfather's birth
  • gmb = grandmother's birth
  • fb = father's birth
  • mb = mother's birth
  • pm = parent's marriage
  • b = birth
  • bp = earliest baptism
  • sb = first spouse's birth
  • m = first marriage
  • cb = child's birth
  • cm = first child's earliest marriage
  • pd = latest parent's earliest death
  • le = living event
  • fe = flourishing event
  • d = death
  • w = earliest will
  • bu = earliest burial
  • d+ = earliest probate
  • gcb = grandchild's birth