
Usage Statistics

When a user runs Gigatrees, a small amount of anonymous data is collected. From these data points some basic usage statistics can be determined. Statistics as everyone knows, are boring. Mad-libs on the otherhand ...

In the past year, the Gigatrees application was downloaded a vast 356 times. Over that period, a distinguishable 74 impressive users ran the application an enormity of 551 times, and as expected, many used the sample GEDCOM files provided for that purpose. Of the others, a notable 35 heroic users ran the application (using their own GEDCOM files) a cyclopean 434 times, however, a not to be soon forgotten 22 of those ran the application no more than a few times over a short period. The remaining 13 reputable users ran the application on a semi-regular basis, and a ginormous 13 of those averaged running the application at least once a month.