
Location maps appear on the location pages and use a Google map to display the location marker using its description, or its latitude and longitude if known. Gigatrees will look for coordinates in non-standard GEDCOM location records ( PLAC and _PLAC_DEFN ) and in standard GEDCOM location coordinate fields ( PLAC.MAP ). In most cases, coordinates are not required for Google to draw the map correctly, but in those rare cases where it errs, users may use this option to force appropriate coordinates.

Locations - Index
Locations - Index
Locations - Location
Locations - Location
Locations - Location - Claims
Locations - Location - Claims


   <AcceptLang>                  en                         </AcceptLang>            
   <Location> <Description> Palestine       </Description> <Latitude> 31.952162 </Latitude> <Longitude> 35.233154 </Longitude> </Location>
   <Location> <Description> Acre, Palestine </Description> <Latitude> 32.933957 </Latitude> <Longitude> 35.079946 </Longitude> </Location>


[ en ]
The language of your location descriptions. Google can accept most international language codes.
This tag indicates the beginning of a new location coordinate definition.
The original location description.
The location's latitude.
The location's longitude.