
Gigatrees has built in support for a photo gallery. The sample user configuration file ( config\sample.xml ) includes a sample gallery configuration. To configure the gallery, media images must have first been added using the <MediaFile> option. Collections, albums and layouts must then be configured. Collections are identified by tags, are given a title and allow for assigning default thumbnails to be used in the collection's groups. Albums are also given a title and a default thumbnail. The layouts allow for grouping collections into albums. Collections are allowed to overlap albums.

Gallery - Layout
Gallery - Layout
Gallery - Album
Gallery - Album
Gallery - Album - Collection
Gallery - Album - Collection
Gallery - Album - Collection - Group
Gallery - Album - Collection - Group
Gallery - Album - Collection - Group - Image
Gallery - Album - Collection - Group - Image


  <LockGallery>                     false       </LockGallery>
  <GalleryPageSize>                 44          </GalleryPageSize>
  <GalleryThumbnailSize>            150         </GalleryThumbnailSize>
  <GalleryRecentOffset>             30          </GalleryRecentOffset>
  <GalleryMinYearIncluded>          1900        </GalleryMinYearIncluded>
  <GalleryMaxYearIncluded>          2000        </GalleryMaxYearIncluded>
  <HideUnusedGalleryCollectionTags> false       </HideUnusedGalleryCollectionTags>
  <GalleryPageSort>                 date        </GalleryPageSort>
    <Collection> <Tag> bob   </Tag> <Title> Bob Builder   </Title> <Thumbs> G1, G2, G3 </Thumbs> </Collection>
    <Collection> <Tag> alice </Tag> <Title> Alice Builder </Title> <Thumbs> GA, GB, GC </Thumbs> </Collection>
    <Album> <Title> Bob & Alice </Title> <Thumb> G1 </Thumb> </Album> 
    <Album> <Title> Alice       </Title> <Thumb> GC </Thumb> </Album> 

    <Layout> <Album> Bob & Alice </Album>  <Collections> bob, alice </Collections> </Layout> 
    <Layout> <Album> Alice       </Album>  <Collections> alice      </Collections> </Layout> 

Standalone Photo Gallery

To create a standalone photo gallery, you will need to leave the <GedcomFile> field blank, and disable <Blog> pages. If blog pages are not disabled, Gigatrees will assume you want to build a standalone blog with an included gallery.

    <GedcomFile>       </GedcomFile>
    <Blog>       false </Blog>


[ false ]
You may lock the gallery independantly from the rest of the website. When locked and when the <Database> is enabled, the gallery will require the visitor to sign in using their user credentials.
[ 44 ]
This number of photos to be displayed on a gallery page. Gallery pages will include pagination when the total number of photos to be displayed exceeds the size provided here.
[ 150 ]
This size in pixels to display your square thumbnail images as.
[ 30 ]
The number of days to mark photos as recent. The value is subtracted from a photo's modified date.
[ 0 ]
Limit the range of photos to include in the gallery.
[ 3000 ]
Limit the range of photos to include in the gallery.
[ false ]
When enabled, collections tags that are unused due to other options that limit the size of the gallery, will be hidden from the gallery.
[ date ]
By default, the photos displayed in the Gallery group and collection pages are sorted by date in ascending order. You may also choose to sort these by filename or path, where date, filename and path correspond to the matching named columns in the <MediaFile>. [options: date, filename, path].
This tag indicates the start of the gallery collections.
This tag indicates the start of a new gallery collection.
[ ]
The collection tag name
[ ]
The collection tag title
[ ]
The collection's default thumbnails. The is a comma-seperated list.
This tag indicates the start of the gallery albums.
This tag indicates the start of a new gallery album.
[ ]
The album's title
[ ]
The album's default thumbnail
This tag indicates the start of a the gallery layouts.
This tag indicates the start of a new gallery layout.
[ ]
The layout's album title
[ ]
The layout's collections. This is a comma-seperated list.