
The <Setup> option is used to configure the metadata used by the default <Plugins> to build your website headers and footers.


  <Domain>           https://domain.com                  </Domain>      
  <RootPath>         /site                               </RootPath>      
  <PluginsURL>       ../plugins/                         </PluginsURL>      
  <LangCode>         en                                  </LangCode>
  <Favicon>          https://domain.com/favicon.ico      </Favicon>        
  <SiteTitle>        All Things Bobson                   </SiteTitle>       
  <SiteOwner>        Bob Bobson                          </SiteOwner>       
  <SiteDescription>  Bobs bobbing for bobbles.           </SiteDescription> 
  <SiteLogo>         https://domain.com/media/logo.png   </SiteLogo>        
  <SiteBanner>       https://domain.com/media/banner.png </SiteBanner>      
  <SiteAvatar>       https://domain.com/media/avatar.png </SiteAvatar>      


[ ]
Set your website's domain name. It is used when creating absolute URLs to pages. Trailing slashes are not allowed.
[ ]
Set your website's subfolder. Trailing slashes are not allowed. Gigatrees will force a preceding slash if missing.
[ plugins/ ]
You can use this option to override the relative path set by default. For instance if you are sharing plugins between mutiple sites. Gigatrees will force a trailing slash if missing.
[ en ]
Set your language for browser support. If you are translating your web pages into a language other than English, you will need to set the appropriate language code here.
[ ]
Expects an absolute URL or a relative path to your favicon image.
[ ]
Set the title of your website.
[ ]
Set the name of the person or entity who owns the website. It is used by source templates for creating references to internal sources.
[ ]
Set your site's description.
[ ]
Expects an absolute URL or a relative path to a background image for your website's header.
[ ]
Expects an absolute URL or a relative path to an avatar to be placed on your website header.
[ ]
Expects an absolute URL or a relative path to a logo to be placed on your website banner.

Advanced Options

The following options are used by various plugins to append scripts, stylesheets, and programming code to your website headers and footers.

[ ]
Used by the theme plugins to define the website header.
[ ]
Used by the theme plugins to define the website footer.
[ ]
Used to prepend programming code to the website header.
[ ]
Used to append stylesheets and scripts to the website header.
[ ]
Used to append styles to the website header.
[ ]
Used to override the automatically generated navigation bar.
[ ]
Used to prepend content onto all web pages.
[ ]
Used to append scripts to the website footer.