
The <Security> option is used to set security related settings.


  <Privatize>      false           </Privatize>      
  <HideLiving>     false           </HideLiving>      
  <ForceLivingIds> I1; Bob Builder </ForceLivingIds>  
  <SkipIds>        I2              </SkipIds>  
  <HideLocalLinks> false           </HideLocalLinks>      


[ false ]
Some genealogy applications support non-standard GEDCOM privacy flags. Gigatrees recognizes a number of these ( _PRIV, _FLGS.__PRIVATE, _CONF_FLAG ). When this option is enabled, all information marked private will be stripped from the family tree. Gigatrees also supports separate privatization flags for <Sources> that strips only the quoted text, notes, images, etc., but leaves the citation elements intact.
[ false ]
When enabled, Gigatrees will obfuscate living persons by removing all claims, images, notes and source references for the individual and will abbreviate their first name, i.e. Sir Peter Wallard "Peppercorn Pete" Wilson, III, Baron of Frivolity will become P. Wilson.
[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list for individual names or record ids who should be considered as living. When using individual names, they should be unique in your database. All individual name fields will be searched. In rare cases when a birthdate cannot be estimated accutately, a person's living status may not be detected correctly. In practice, this almost never occurs, however if it does, this option can be used to force selected individuals to be considered living. Gigatrees also supports several application specific GEDCOM living flags ( LVG, LVNG, _FLGS.__LIVING, ATTR Living, _LIVING Y ).
[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list for individual names or record ids who should be skipped whether living or not. When using individual names, they should be unique in your database. All individual name fields will be searched. When an individual is skipped, they will not be included in the name indexes, and no profile page or pedigree chart will be created. The name when appearing on other pages will not be hyperlinked. This option can be useful when adding persons to your tree that lie beyond your area of research. It is particularily useful when adding <DNA relatives> and their ancestors or when adding unrelated spouses and their children. Another option for skipping individuals is to add the non-standard GEDCOM skip tag ( _SKIP ) directly to the individual's GEDCOM record. This is what I do. Family Historian makes this easy by allowing its users to copy and paste GEDCOM tags into records.
[ true ]
Local paths (i.e. c:\pics\image.jpg) cannot be displayed in a browser as-is. This option, when enabled, strips these paths from all photos, images and URLs so they are not accidentally exposed to the Internet. To display local paths in a offline browser, they must first be prepended with "file://". You may be able to do this for all local paths using the <Placeholders> option.