
By far, the most important claims in genealogy, and the ones needing the most documentation, are the biological links between children and their parents. Gigatrees supports the standard GEDCOM association record ( ASSO ), which allows for attaching sources to relationships. When sources are provided for child-parent relationships, the Reliability Assessments can be accurately calculated. GEDCOM did not define any standard relationship types, so Gigatrees supports both Mother and Father. Those two string values are too generic to be translatable, so Gigatrees also supports 3 translatable types, Associated Mother, Associated Father and Parent. When the relationship type is missing or left blank, a parental relationship will be assumed. Few applications support the GEDCOM association record directly, so Gigatrees provides this option so that parental associations can be adding using the configuration file. This method however, would be very cumbersome to use for more than just a few individuals. Instead, I would recommend you switch to using a genealogical application that understands the importance of documenting parental associations (e.g. Family Historian). If you have an application that provides an alternate method for adding sources to parental relationships, please let me know in the comments, and I will add support. Gigatrees supports some widely used 3rd-party tags such as _MREL, _FREL, _MPROOF, _FPROOF, none of which unfortunately allow source references to be attached. The first two of these will set the reliability to uncertain and the last will override any other previous reliability determination.


    <Parent> <PersonId> I1          </PersonId> <ParentId> Bob Builder </ParentId> <Relation> father </Relation> <SourceId> S1   </SourceId> </Parent>
    <Parent> <PersonId> Jeb Builder </PersonId> <ParentId> Bob Builder </ParentId> <Relation> father </Relation> <SourceId> S100 </SourceId> </Parent>
    <Parent> <PersonId> I1          </PersonId> <ParentId> Sue Builder </ParentId> <Relation> mother </Relation> <SourceId> S1   </SourceId> </Parent>
    <Parent> <PersonId> Jeb Builder </PersonId> <ParentId> I3          </ParentId> <Relation> mother </Relation> <SourceId> S1   </SourceId> </Parent>


This tag indicates the start of a new parent.
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An individual's name or record id. The name should be unique in your database. All name fields will be searched.
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A parent's name or record id. The name should be unique in your database. All name fields will be searched.
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The relationship type.
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A source record id.