
The <ProfilePages> option is used to modify the individual profile pages.

One of the neat features of Gigatrees is that you can assign commentaries to specified individuals either by configuration (see below), or by adding the translatable text [Commentary] to the beginning of an individual's GEDCOM NOTE Record. Commentaries can be used to include text on an individual's profile page under the Detail tab. Commentaries are different than regular notes which appear on individual's profile page under the Notes tab. The purpose of a commentary is to provide introductory information for an individual, especially as it applies to the status of the individual's ancestry. Gigatrees will strip the translatable text [Commentary], so that it does not appear in the displayed commentary.

Profile Page - Commentary
Profile Page - Commentary

As such, when a commentary exists for an individual who does not have parents, and when that individual appears on an ancestor list or a descendant list, the commentary will be link as a popup under a colorful help icon.

Ancestor List - Commentary
Ancestor List - Commentary


    <DetermineEthnicity>                   false  </DetermineEthnicity>                  
    <RestrictEthnicityCalculationToLiving>  true  </RestrictEthnicityCalculationToLiving>

    <Commentary> <Id> I1          </Id> <Note> Parents are unknown.                              </Note> </Commentary>
    <Commentary> <Id> Bob Builder </Id> <Note> Parents are uncertain, but might be Carl and Sue. </Note> </Commentary>


[ true ]
This option is used to determine ethnicity estimates based, not on DNA, but on the birth locations of an individual's root (earliest) ancestors.
[ true ]
This option restricts ethnicity determination to only living individuals.
This tag indicates the start of a new commentary.
[ ]
This is the individual name or record id to assign the commentary to.
[ ]
This is the assigned commentary.