
The <Pages> option is used to enable/disable different page types. Page types are disabled automatically if they do no apply, so it is seldom necessary to disable them directly, however, some pages like Immigrants, Nobility, Validation, and Updates may be generated, but not desired.


  <Tree>          true </Tree>        
  <Names>         true </Names>       
  <Profiles>      true </Profiles>    
  <Sources>       true </Sources>     
  <Blog>          true </Blog>        
  <Places>        true </Places>      
  <Timelines>     true </Timelines>   
  <OriginMaps>    true </OriginMaps>  
  <AncestorMaps>  true </AncestorMaps>  
  <Ancestors>     true </Ancestors>   
  <DNAAncestors>  true </DNAAncestors>
  <DNARelatives>  true </DNARelatives>
  <Kinships>      true </Kinships>    
  <Census>        true </Census>      
  <Descendants>   true </Descendants> 
  <Collections>   true </Collections>    
  <Immigrants>    true </Immigrants>  
  <Nobility>      true </Nobility>    
  <Photos>        true </Photos>      
  <Gallery>       true </Gallery>      
  <Validation>    true </Validation>  
  <Updates>       true </Updates>     


[ true ]
Enables pedigree charts for every individual not skipped (See <SkipIds>). The <HomePerson> is linked in the menu, and every person's profile page will include a tab linking to their pedigree chart.
[ true ]
Enables name index pages.
[ true ]
Enables a profile page for every individual not skipped. Several configuration options are available.
[ true ]
Enables a source index page, and a source page for every source not hidden using the <HideRecord> option. The source index page is sortable and include a column for the source category. Source pages include a tab showing every claim made by this source.
[ true ]
Enables an embedded or a standalone blog (See <Blog> for more information). (This website was created using this feature.)
[ true ]
Enables a location index page and a location page for every location found in your database and includes a tab showing every claim made at this location.
[ true ]
Enables timeline pages grouped by century.
[ true ]
Enables an origin map index page and an origin map for selected individuals. Origin maps include the location of the earliest event for each of the configured person's ancestors. See the <OriginMaps> option for more information on how to setup an origin map for a selected individual. The origin map will be linked as a tab on the selected individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables an ancestor map index page and an ancestor map for selected individuals. Ancestor maps are similar to origin maps, but are include the location of every dated event for the configured person's ancestors. See the <AncestorMaps> option for more information on how to setup an ancestor map for a selected individual. The ancestor map will be linked as a tab on the selected individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables an ancestor list index page and an ancestor list for selected individuals. See the <AncestorLists> option for more information on how to setup an ancestor list for select individuals. The ancestor list will be linked as a tab on the selected individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables a DNA ancestors index page and individual pages for all DNA testers. See <DNA> for more information on how to configure DNA testers. A DNA Ancestors tab will be linked on the DNA tester's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables a DNA relatives index page and individual pages for al DNA testers. See <DNA> for more information on how to configure DNA relatives. A DNA Relatives tab will be linked on the DNA tester's profile page.
[ true ]
A Kinship index page will be linked on a person's profile if it is automatically determined that the persons has a consanguinious relationship with their spouses. Several validation options are available. Because there is no way to automatically disable this page and since the process of calculating these relationships can be time consuming, the page is disabled by default. If you want to see these relationships, you should enable this page in your configuration.
[ true ]
Enables a census table index page and a census table for selected individuals. See the <CensusTables> option for more information on how to setup a census table for select individuals. The census table will be linked as a tab on the selected individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables a descendant lists index page and descendant lists for selected individuals. See the <DescendantLists> option for more information on how to setup a descendant lists for a selected individual.
[ true ]
Enables a collections page. See the <Collections> option for more information on how to setup collections for selected individuals. A collection page will be linked as a tab on the selected individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables an immigrants summary page built using several standard and non-standard GEDCOM tags.
[ true ]
Enables a nobility titles summary page built using the standard GEDCOM nobility title tag ( @INDI.TITL ).
[ true ]
Enables a photos page containing all individual photos found. See <Media> and <Gallery> for more information. Thumbnail photos will be shown on the the individual's profile page.
[ true ]
Enables a photo gallery containing all individual photos found. See <Gallery> for more information.
[ true ]
Enables the data validation page. See <DataValidation> for more information.
[ true ]
Enables the updates page which will include links to the individuals, source, blog posts more recently updated.