
Usage Statistics

When a user runs Gigatrees, a small amount of anonymous data is collected for display in The User Dashboard. From these data points some basic usage statistics can be determined, but statistics as everyone agrees, are boring. Mad-libs on the otherhand ...

In the past year, the Gigatrees application was downloaded some 353 times. Over that period, a grand total of 76 unique users ran the application a fantastic 685 times, and as expected, many used the sample GEDCOM files provided for that purpose. Of the others, a generous 33 eloquent users ran the application (using their own GEDCOM files) a cyclopean 561 times, however, only a vast 20 of those ran the application no more than a few times over a short period. The remaining 13 reputable users ran the application on a semi-regular basis, and a grand total of 8 of those averaged running the application at least once a month.