

This website includes demonstration data and should not be used for any other purpose.

This website was built using Gigatrees (a free website generator) to demonstrate some of the application's most common features. All the files necessary to build this website are included in the release packet, which can be downloaded from the server. This sample website imports a GEDCOM file and builds a family tree website. Gigatrees, can also however be used to build standalone blogs and standalone photo galleries, which can be useful if you're looking for a WordPress replacement with a tiny footprint.

Firstly, this intro was created as a standalone page using the <BlogPosts> option with the <ExcludeFromBlog> property set. Any static page can be created in this manner. The intro page has been linked to the avatar located in the upper right of this website's header. By default, the avatar is hidden on mobile devices. In addtion to the intro page, a blog post was added, "Welcome to Your Integrated Blog", that demonstrates many of the features that can be used throughout your website, including international support, embedding HTML and JavaScript, tooltips, tables, toggles, using preformatted text and embedded references. Embedded references provide a convienient method for linking to blog posts, individual and source pages, and for embedding images on any page. You'll definately want to review this. The content is also included on the page for D. Humphrey under his notes and research log tabs. I also used the <BlogPosts> option to assign a title and other metadata to 3 notes found in the sample GEDCOM file. Assigning a title will automatically convert the generic note into a blog post. The notes also appear in the blog. I used the <Media> option to add featured images to be used for all of the blog posts.

<Security> has also been enabled so that living person's names have been hidden, and private data (e.g. copyrighted or sensitive information) has been removed from the website. I've also included a sample photo <Gallery>, with several albums and collections defined. To demonstrate the <DNA> tables and charts, I added some bogus match data to the configuration. I also added a <Commentary> section to David and created sample <Collections> for him as well. Lastly, I added <CensusTables>, <AncestorLists> and <DescendantLists>, which appear in the menu along with individual pages, source pages, location pages, an update page and a Data Validation page all of which are included by default.

Lastly, since the sample data uses source categories, I enabled the <ShowReliabilityAssessments> option so that all claims in all timelines indicate the level of certainty for each.

Cheers, Tim Forsythe, 2024